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Training Day Rules



Be on time to the training session. If you happen to show up after the session has started, you should work before running your dog.


Participants in the training session that run a dog must take a turn in the field working. Participants that fail to work in the field at a training session will not be allowed to run another dog until they work in the field.


Be considerate of time and don’t hog the line time. Work on 1 or 2 key concepts and then move on. The Club tries to have experienced handlers(Master level). run the line Their job is to keep things moving. Remember there are some training sessions where we have 20-25 dogs running each series. We try to do 1 land and 1 water series (weather permitting). Tell the person running the line what level your dog is at and what you would like to accomplish from the series. Treat these series as a training session, not as testing for your dog.


Ordering flyers ahead of time will be limited to one flyer per dog.  Handlers will be limited to one turn to run each dog for each series.  If there are flyers left after everyone has run then they will be made available to those who wish to purchase them and run a dog again.


When waiting in the holding blind, watch how the birds go down. What problems you might have with your dog. Give good, explicit directions to the person running the line before you run.


Know your dog and his limits. Just because your training group is doing a triple that doesn’t mean you can’t do singles. Train your dog at its level, not the group’s. The better handlers will tell you they run singles more than 50% of the time.


Don’t get upset with poor throws. Everyone makes them and nobody does it on purpose. If you get a poor throw or a No Bird, look at it as a training experience,  Either wait 3 dogs to run your dog again or just go back into the holding blind and run again immediately.


Do your homework. Work on things like recalls and force fetching at home and other basics alone. Save group training time for things you can’t do by yourself. Yard work is a very important aspect of retriever training.


If you can’t stay and throw for everyone, please don’t come. Running your dog and then leaving will not be tolerated. The Club expects you to be out in the field running/assisting at a station for at least 6 dogs. If you are inexperienced or unsure on how to use a winger or popper gun, don’t be afraid to ask.


Pick up after yourself (i.e. paper, cans, etc). Leave the training grounds cleaner than you found them.


If you have a dog that barks, don’t be afraid to use a bark collar. Trying to run a dog on the line and having dogs bark in the background can be very disruptive.


If you have a dog that doesn’t get along with other dogs, let the other person(s) know.


If you’re having a particular training issue with your dog, ask someone you respect and trust for their advice.

Keystone Retriever Club

© 2025 KRC

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